Mikveh Immersion Procedure
Appointments can be made by calling our automated phone reservation system: (513) 837-9300 or by our online reservation system: mikvahrsvp.com/cincy
Payment will be requested at time of reservation by either method, so please have a credit card ready.
For special circumstances, please call our main line at (513) 351-0609
You will be greeted at the mikveh when you arrive for your immersion by one of our warm and friendly, trained mikveh attendants. The attendant will show you to your preparation room and will make sure you have everything you need to prepare for your immersion, including towels, a robe, and other preparation items.
Please take your time and do not feel rushed in your preparations. There are information cards in every room to remind you of the preparations that need to be done. If you have any questions or concerns, and/or are ready to immerse, the attendant can be called on the intercom phone, which is located in your preparation room to assist you.
When you are ready to immerse, the attendant will meet you at your door and escort you to the mikveh immersion pool. You will be covered completely with either a robe or towel while on your way to the pool. The attendant will maintain your privacy during the immersion. A personal prayer and a card with a blessing will be available in the immersion room, and the attendant will be available if you request her assistance. After your immersion, you will be escorted back to your preparation room where you can get dressed and prepared to go home. Please enjoy your mikveh experience—from beginning to end–in a relaxed, peaceful, spa-like atmosphere.
We welcome your feedback and any questions or concerns you may have.